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Whale Road

Whale Road

Do not use for navigational purposes; any attempt to do so may result in the bloody ramifications of a Viking raid.  

  • Map Info

    The Vikings came to the British Isles in several waves.  Here are shown the earliest sites where evidence of a Viking encampment can be found.  The island is identified by the names of more ancient countries, prior to England being a concept.   The original is draw in ink and illustration marker on watercolor paper, size 15 x 22.  Prints are available true to size, but also in conventional sizes for ease of framing.


    Note: If printed in smaller sizes, words may not be readable.

  • Artist's Note

    Hidden details of my favorite literary moments fill this map.  "Whale Road" is a common name for the sea in Beowulf, which I love.  For the smaller islands, I tried to find older names, and where I couldn't I found where they were referenced in works of fiction I enjoyed and named them thusly.  In the top right-hand corner, one viking ship sinks in flames.

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